Discovery & Exploration

Park’s Lower Division, PreK through Grade 4, balances opportunities for playful discovery with developmentally-appropriate programming that helps children begin to develop who they are, grow in their ability to share feelings, work collaboratively, and appreciate the perspectives of others as members of the broader community. 


Nurturing Every Child

Beyond skills and content, Park’s Lower Division teaches children to discover the kind of learner they are, and to flourish in curiosity, confidence, and accomplishment. With small classes and multiple teachers in each class, our students are seen, known, and nurtured.


Park places great value on the power of the relationships students form with their teachers, but also with the many watchful adults on the faculty and staff who guide each child in different ways.

Building Confidence

Beginning with an intentional understanding of each child and where they are, our teachers guide students toward potential, providing what they need, and creating a culture where they can practice budding skills of active listening to the perspectives of others. They also come to know that their own voice matters, and exercise it through the many opportunities for public speaking and presenting in front of a group, beginning at the youngest levels at weekly community meeting time. The classroom environment creates space where students can share their ideas, wonders, and concerns with adults and with each other, building the problem-solving tool kit that will support their learning going forward.


Explore the Lower Division

Beyond the warmth and grounding of their homeroom, our expansive, wooded campus offers endless opportunities to explore the arts, music, STEM, physical education, gardening, after school activities, and more—developing our students to be skillful communicators, creative problem-solvers, and mindful leaders, able to advocate for themselves and others. 

We invite you to get to know Park’s Lower Division, and the growth and discovery that begins there.