Meaningful Support from Our Community

We ask all members of the Park community to prioritize supporting Park at whatever level is personally meaningful. In all aspects of our Development program, community members may direct their support to the School priority that most inspires them. Each family’s gift decision is unique – at Park, we honor the effort each family makes to step forward with the best gift they can in support of the School’s mission, values, goals, and ultimately, in service of our students.

Whether your children or grandchildren attend Park now or did so in years past, whether you’re an alum or simply consider yourself a friend of the school, your support helps ensure a transformational experience for our students.


Annual Fund

The School’s top philanthropic priority, the Annual Fund, benefits every aspect of Park's daily life. It provides about 10% of our operating budget, and helps bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of educating each student. It lets us attract and retain the best teachers with leading compensation and robust professional development. It enhances our library collections and improves our classroom equipment. It keeps Park on the cutting edge of technological innovation. And it gives those students unable to afford an independent school education the life-changing opportunity to grow up at Park. 

Park is proud to provide a way for donors to direct their support to the institutional priority that is most meaningful to them: Educators, Student Experience, Financial Aid, or Area of Highest Priority.

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Did You Know?

Tuition covers only about 80 percent of the cost of educating Park’s students. The School relies on generous gifts to the Annual Fund to close the gap between tuition income and actual operating costs. Every Park family is asked to support the Annual Fund, and over 90 percent of Park’s current families contribute every year. Contributions range from $10 to leadership gifts of $2,500–$50,000. Additional support comes from the extended Park community: alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, friends, and faculty.