We seek to:

  • Encourage natural curiosity and excitement for learning 
  • Empower students to flex their intellectual muscles and discover themselves through collaborative relationships with peers and adults
  • Create personal, immediate and age-appropriate opportunities for growth and independence 
  • Devote our full campus and faculty to the educational experience of PreK through Grade 8 students 
  • Make room for fun along the way as students embrace their growing maturity and enjoy being just the age they are without feeling compelled to rush to grow up.


Growing in Character & Accomplishment

The qualities of character captured in The Park Portrait shape our approach to educating the whole child, with our hope that every student will come to know themselves as a joyful learner, a mindful leader, a skillful communicator, a compassionate collaborator, a creative problem solver, and a passionate advocate, and carry this confidence forward with them in their next schools and beyond.


Prepared For The Future

By the time Park students reach Grade 8, they are the campus leaders other students look up to.  They possess the confidence and self-knowledge to advocate for themselves as they consider their next schools, and their next schools appreciate the academic, social, and moral leadership Park students contribute to their communities. 


Our Graduates

Park alums look back with appreciation at their middle school years, recognizing that their Park journey fundamentally shaped who they are and what they are able to accomplish beyond Park.

What's Beyond Park?