Our Motto: Simplicity and Sincerity

Park’s motto, “Simplicity and Sincerity,” underscores the priority we place on creating a safe, engaging, and warm student-centered environment where young people grow as healthy, curious, thoughtful learners.


Place & Purpose

Our three core values -- Academic Excellence; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging; and Social-Emotional Learning -- support everything we do as we create and sustain a program that supports and challenges our students. We take pride in being a place where there is joy and fun, where children can relish being in each wonderful stage of development without rushing forward, and that leaves room and opportunity for them to reveal who they are meant to be.


We actively seek to avoid complicating what is natural and exciting about each stage of childhood, and to ensure that our students never, in the name of content and acceleration, miss out on the beauty of curiosity and innovation.

Our Mission

The Park School is dedicated to excellence in education.

The cornerstone of Park’s program is academic excellence, combining both high standards of scholarship and the encouragement of each child to develop to their greatest potential.

Our school community fosters a nurturing environment in which children develop curiosity, express creativity, appreciate the value of hard work and discipline, and experience the joy of learning.

Park’s faculty encourages each student to strive for intellectual, physical, and moral growth and to become contributing members of the community.

Park is committed to being a metropolitan, coeducational, day school of diverse races, religions, cultures, and backgrounds.

Central to its mission is an appreciation of similarities and differences of perspective and the interdependence of all people. As a family school, Park is a community in which the dignity of each child, teacher, and parent is respected.