Confidence & Collaboration

Park’s Upper Division program centers the student experience not solely on academic performance, but on self-advocacy, the ability to make confident choices, and to build meaningful relationships with adults and peers. Students learn how to collaborate with others, work through challenges and, when needed, repair connections when conflicts arise.


At an age where students are beginning to frame their sense of what they are good at, Park feeds their curiosity and creates opportunities for exposure that continue to excite and expand their sense of possibility.


Opening Doors

Throughout Park’s Upper Division, students exercise their growing individuality through choices.  Will they choose to study Spanish or Mandarin, French or Latin? Will they try a team sport after school, or join the cast of a play? Will they join an affinity or alliance group, join a club, or try competition robotics?

Park’s program is designed to provide room to participate in many areas of choice, with lots of doors open to experience, along with plenty of space for community, belonging, and fun. Each child has the opportunity to shape their unique path, and to discover and affirm their passions.


Explore the Upper Division

We invite you to get to know Park’s Upper Division, and the many opportunities for choice that shape each child’s personal experience.