Confidence & Understanding

Students learn to notice and manage their actions, behaviors, emotions, and thinking through ongoing reflection and collaboration.

We act with empathy and care as we navigate an ever-evolving world. 

Because we emphasize social-emotional learning throughout our program, children gain the confidence to share their feelings, and advocate for themselves. They grow to understand themselves and how they learn best. They are better able to work through differences, and persevere. They also learn to empathize with the lived experiences of others.


Opportunities for Care & Support

In an early childhood classroom, children and teachers might use a feelings wheel to identify emotions and encourage conversation about how each person feels. A fourth grader for whom academic success has always come easily might encounter a challenge they can’t solve, but have the tools to work through it or request the help they need. In an Upper Division Advisory session, students might work on mindfulness exercises or time management strategies, or prepare for student-led conferences in which they present and discuss their own strengths and growth opportunities.

At every grade level, Park creates consistent opportunities for community and relationship, for students to try new things in a safe and supportive environment, and for them to feel the joy of celebration by their peers who appreciate them just for trying. 

At Park, we know that the potential for academic success is rooted in the social emotional grounding that ensures students can know and believe in themselves, build healthy relationships with others, and develop the tools to help them navigate challenges.