The Park School strives to ensure that students, staff, and visitors with disabilities have appropriate access to events hosted on campus. Given the age of certain of school facilities, architectural barriers may exist that require advance notice and planning to address accessibility needs. The Park School will make every effort to schedule events in accessible locations. In some instances, barriers may need to be removed, if readily achievable, or events may be relocated to provide accommodations or assistance to individuals with disabilities attending those events. 


Pre-event publicity, whether by flyer, website, or other means, will include information on how potential participants may request accommodations and information about venue accessibility.

Requests for Accommodation or Relocation:

Individuals seeking accommodations in order to participate in campus events are encouraged to provide as much advance notice as possible, preferably a minimum of two weeks advance notice where feasible, given the amount of lead time that may be necessary to relocate an event from an inaccessible to accessible location or to provide certain other accommodations.  In the event that advance notice is not provided or not possible, The Park School will make best efforts to accommodate individuals. To inquire about accessible features of a venue or to request the relocation of an event, please contact Kimberly Boyd, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, (617) 274-6011, [email protected].  

Response to Requests for Access:

When the School receives a request for access, including a change in the location of an event, the School will make good faith efforts to identify an alternate venue that is accessible or to find other means of providing access.  Inquiries or requests concerning accommodations should be directed to Kimberly Boyd, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, (617) 274-6011, [email protected].  

Additional Requests:

All additional requests can be directed to: Kimberly Boyd, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations, (617) 274-6011, [email protected]